

Whether you need help connecting y我们的 laptop to the University network or have questions about 我们的 privacy and security policies, the Institutional Technology 服务s (ITS) department at GMercyU is the place to go. 我们将帮助您建立联系, 保护您在GMercyU网络上的个人信息, and learn how to make the most of the computer software and hardware available to you on 我们的 campuses. We also support the University’s 教师 和工作人员 in gaining access to the data they need to serve you better. 


IT provides 技术支持, systems, and services to the entire University community. Learn about the many services available to you through GMercyU’s IT department below.

The ITS Help Desk is 我们的 official form of communication with the GMercyU community. 您可以通过多种方式联系ITS帮助台. 

  • 电子邮件:
  • 门户: 提交IT帮助台票务通过 GMercyU门户 (点击鼠标图标) 
  • 电话: 215-646-7300,分机. 21444
  • 联系 我们的 即时聊天
  • 未经预约而来的支持 at the IT Help Desk is available in University Hall W104, Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. 至下午6时.m. 周五早上8点开始.m. 到下午4点.m.

Telephone, chat, portal ticket, and email support is available 24 h我们的s a day / 7 days a week.

我们鼓励所有学生在网上注册 全面通知系统. This system is used to send mess年龄s containing critical information in the event of a public safety-related campus event, 包括与天气有关的关门通知. 

所有德国仁慈大学的学生, 教师, 和工作人员 should sign up for this emergency alert system if you spend any time on one or more of 我们的 campuses.

GMercyU offers multiple computer labs on all campuses for students, 教师 和工作人员. 更多信息请访问 电脑室网页. 主校区的实验室周一至周五上午8点开放.m. 至下午6时.m. 周一到周五上午9点在卫星校区上课.m. 到晚上9点.m.

IT AV媒体事件支持是可用的,并通过以下方式请求 事件日历. IT媒体支持专家将与Plant一起工作, 食物, 以及安全服务,以确保GMercyU社区的活动顺利进行.

虽然不是ITS的官方部分, GMercyU's Teaching and Learning Innovation (TLI) team works hand-in-hand with ITS to provide support for quality teaching and learning technology tools. 在这里找到更多信息.

它的隐私 & 安全

格温内斯仁慈大学’s IT department is committed to providing a secure teaching and learning environment. We enc我们的年龄 all members of the University community to take the steps needed to comply with 我们的 information security policies, 促进良好的数字公民意识. From network access and file-sharing to anti-virus software, here’s what you need to know.

信息技术安全、隐私和保密协议 (PDF)

格温内斯默西大学的密码每年必须更换一次. 所有密码均遵循以下安全标准:

  • 必须至少12个字符长吗
  • 必须包含大写字母吗
  • 必须包含至少一个数字
  • 必须包含至少一个特殊字符


1. 访问
2. 点击用户名和密码字段下面的忘记密码链接.3. 在提供的字段中输入您的用户名,然后单击OK.4. 回答您的安全问题以检索您的密码.

"Phishing" involves the use of fraudulent e-mails and spoofed websites to trick you into revealing account information such as account numbers, 你的社会安全号码, and the login IDs and passwords you use when accessing y我们的 various online accounts. The fraudsters who collect this information then use it to steal y我们的 money, y我们的 identity, or both. The email will usually ask you to provide valuable information about y我们的self or to “verify” information that you previously provided when you established y我们的 online account. To maximize the chances that a recipient will respond the fraudster might use names of real companies, 看起来合法的url, emails that look like they are coming from y我们的 actual employer or urgent emails that need y我们的 immediate attention.


  • 对任何要求提供个人信息的不请自来的电子邮件保持警惕
  • 避免在电子邮件中填写要求提供个人信息的表格
  • Log on to the official website, instead of "linking" to it from an unsolicited email
  • 联系 the actual business that supposedly sent the email to verify if the email is genuine

安全提示: 个人防火墙和安全软件包(含杀毒软件), 反垃圾邮件, and spyware detection features) are a must-have for those who eng年龄 in online transactions.

Please understand that 格温内斯仁慈大学 will never ask you to provide or verify sensitive information through a non-secure means, 比如电子邮件. If suspicious email shows up in y我们的 inbox do not reply to it and be sure to contact the IT 服务 Desk right away.

Patch man年龄ment used to be barely a blip on the radar screens of most security and IT personnel. 'Install and forget' was a fairly common practice; once deployed, 许多系统很少或从未更新过. 这种方法不再是一种选择. The rise of widespread worms and malicious code targeting known vulnerabilities on unpatched systems, 以及由此带来的停机时间和费用, is probably the biggest reason so many organizations are focusing on patch man年龄ment.

Patching a system means to upgrade software or apply a software modification to systems. This means systems will be unavailable or down during patch man年龄ment periods. The IT department strives to schedule these patches at minimally intrusive times but system users should expect that systems will sometimes be unavailable.

备份所有信息是很重要的, 文档, 数据存储在可移动或基于云的OneDrive上, 和SharePoint)媒体. 格温内德仁慈大学不保证这种保护, 备份或储存任何个人资料. IT可能能够检索一些数据,并将努力恢复丢失的数据, 但是,完全恢复丢失的数据往往是不可能的.


IT provides and supports information technology res我们的ces to 教师, staff, students and guests. All community members are responsible for using technology res我们的ces in an ethical manner that does not interfere with the reasonable use by other community members.

IT collaborates with the University leadership in the development of 格温内斯仁慈大学 policies that govern the use of information technology. The IT-related policies listed below apply to all members of the University community.

格温内斯大学计算机使用政策, 格温内斯大学版权侵权政策, 数字千年版权法, 教的行为 (PDF)

教师 members who require students to submit c我们的se assignments electronically, 必须使用黑板(学期)或画布(非学期)的分配功能, 我们安全的学习管理系统. Use of email (格温内斯仁慈大学 or personal) for electronic submission of c我们的se assignments is not an approved 格温内斯仁慈大学 Policy.

教师 (帆布): 学习如何创建作业
学生 (帆布): 学习如何提交作业



ITS的这个部门负责帮助台, 技术支持, 技术硬件和软件, 视听, 教室技术.  The help desk is the main hub for any service requests related to technology at 格温内斯仁慈大学.

杰克比诺里, 服务台分析师

ITS的这个部门负责网络, 服务器, 电信, 数据安全, 以及进入格温内斯大学系统的机会.


This division of ITS is responsible for the administrative systems (Colleague ERP, 板岩, 数字资产管理, 数据库管理).

詹姆斯McCaulley, 业务分析师
